Tuesday 6 July 2010

Halloween II Trailer

This is the Halloween trailer, I have chosen to research this because of its genre and the many different techniques that would be useful to include in my own trailer, it starts with someone in the distance at night, this creates a real sense of eeriness as we don't know who this person is. You then see a closer view of this person with a gun in her hand and she is also looking a real mess, as though she has been chased or injured, which is electrified with the police man coming to see how she is, this shows that there is something wrong. You then see many more people in great pain and danger, again it creates suspense as we don't know why or how. The empty hospital is used to show that the woman is alone and in great danger still. You then finally see the killer, and then the soundtrack really kicks in as she hobbles away, the killers face is still dark, to show evil and we still don't know who it is. Another clever technique that I like is when the woman looks in the mirror and then sees the reflection of the killer in the mirror and then screams. Then the woman runs away and this starts the soundtrack again, another useful technique, finally the font style and colours, they are red and suit a horror film which is another good technique that I will use, this is a very useful trailer for research and will be helpful in creating my trailer.

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