Monday 21 June 2010


This is a rough schedule, showing when I expect to have different products or areas completed by, if I can keep to this schedule then I will time to improve my work so I can achieve as high a grade as possible.
  • Complete research (existing products/audience) by 24th July.
  • Complete planning (scripts, shot lists, storyboards, animatics, mock-ups and flat plans ect..) by 10th September.
  • Complete rough-cut by 20th September.
  • Complete final-cut by 1st October.
  • Complete album/poster completed by 15th October.
  • Final album/poster completed by 31st October.
  • Audience feedback by 10th November.
  • Revisions by 20th November.
  • Evaluations by 30th November.
  • 1st hand-in 1st December.

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