Thursday 30 September 2010


After some feedback from my titles I have decided that my title of 'Not Even The Innocent Are Safe' would be better as a slogan rather than a title, I also tested a few other slogans just incase other people felt that they were stronger than 'not even the innocent are safe'.

1. Not even the innocent are safe.
2. Yesterday was your last day alive.
3. Welcome to hell.

To decide on which slogan to have I carried out some feedback from different people, I already know my favourite slogan and I want to see if anyone else agrees.

Becky Mahan
I really like number 1 because I think that it links in well with the genre that he has chosen. I think that it is short and snappy and will catch the audiences eyes well if the colour and font are chosen well.

Number 1 is by far my favourite as it sounds a very good slogan, it is catchy and it links to the theme of the film.

The first of the slogans is my favourite because it supports the the title and the genre of the film, my least favourite is Welcome To Hell, for the simple reason that it seems a bit simple and doesn't relate to the film as well as the others.

Overall I asked 15 people to rate my slogans and placed the results in the table shown below.

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