Sunday 19 September 2010

Wolf Creek Trailer.

This is one of the trailers from the film 'Wolf Creek', which is a horror film. I chose to analyse this film because of the different and interesting techniques used in the trailer throughout. The first technique that I may try and duplicate is that of the switch of themes, the first half of the trailer was happy and relaxed, with the sun out and people having a good time, but as soon as it becomes night it all changes showing a quick change of the theme. I like this effect as it shows contrast which I want in my trailer. Another technique I liked was towards the end when the scenes moved much quicker than at the start, showing that they are in great danger and are scared for their lives, this is shown by the frantic soundtrack (compared to the quite, peaceful soundtrack at the start) and the transition of the trailer. Again this is a technique I would use in the second half of the trailer to again show that there are two sides to the film. At the end of the trailer the title of the film comes up, and just after that it shows a slogan and one more clip, this will be very similar to my ending as I think it is really effective to leave the audience clipped to the trailer with a slogan that will shock them, as it does it this trailer.

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